Tejesh Man Shakya

A. Research Methodology

1. What is Research?

The terminology “Research” is drawn from two words Re & Search. It is quite simple to state that ‘Re’ denotes Again and ‘Search’ denotes Exploration. The combination of these two words Research means to explore the new things, thinks and theories again and again in systematic way beyond previous conclusions of various incidents and problems of the natural world. In more details, Research consists to study profoundly, to collect and present the data, to make extra comprehensible and to prove the hypothetical phenomenon of the existing subjects. In general, a systematic method of getting information, obtaining knowledge and finding facts is called a Research, in which a new theory is formed in basis of certain, trustworthy and verified facts through controlled and determined micro-analysis on the subjects.

According to the Oxford’s Advance Learner’s Dictionary of Current English “Research is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.” Similarly, Christine A. Hult writes, “Broadly defined, it is systematic inquiry designed to further our knowledge and understanding of subject. Using this definition, nearly everything you do in college is ‘Research’. You seek to discover information about people, objects, and nature; to revise the information you discover in light of new information that comes to your attention; and to interpret your experience and communicate that interpretation to others.”

2. What are the types of Nature of Research?

There might have various natures of the research on a single subject as well. The three basic types of nature of the research are as follows:

2.1. Social Research
If the research is mainly based on the various activities of humanitarian development, civilization, history etc., it is called Social Research. In this type of nature of the research, the researcher conducts the research or do study on human behavior, linguistic science, culture, religion, arts, tradition, festival etc.

2.2. Scientific and Technical Research
This type of nature of research is concerned to the study or the research on various science and technologies, such as physics, biology, chemistry, geology, zoology, astrology, engineering etc. The research areas like earth, universe, weather, mountain, sea, forest etc. are subjected to the Scientific and Technical Research.

2.3. Business Research
If the research is based on commerce and economics, this type of nature of the research is known as Business Research. Industry, trade, product, service, tax, banking, insurance, export-import, etc. are the areas of Business Research. Sometimes the subject areas of the research from the Social Research and Scientific and Technical Research might be also taken as a Business Research by the researchers in purpose of commerce.

3. What are the Objectives of Research? 

There are major three objectives of Research in all types of nature of the research as follows:

3.1. Theoretical Objective
Rendering and applying new principles based on fact is taken as Theoretical Objective of Research.

3.2. Factual Objective
Discovering new elements should be considered as Factual Objective of Research.

3.3. Practical Objective
Investing facts through hands-on aspects come as Practical Objective of Research. 

4. What are the Scope of Research and for Researchers?

The scope of research is quite broad and there may be several areas of research such as nature, behavior, activity, development etc. in this universe. But according to the nature, method and specificity of the research, it has been classified in various fields.

And as per these classified fields, the researchers may conduct the various researches for various purposes to attain the goal of various institutions or organizations or individuals. Universities, academies, research centers, INGOs, NGOs, business organizations, government organizations, public organizations, communal organizations, private organizations, as well as individual might be appropriate destination for the researchers to carry out the research.

5. What is a Process of Research?

The research is accomplished only after implementation various steps in sequence or sequentially. The process of research could be shown as following flow chart.

Flow Chart of Research Process

6. What are the Methods and Techniques of Research?

The method used in the research process is called the Research Method. In other words, the method used by a researcher to solve a problem in a research task is called a research method. Research Technique refers to the practical tools used in the research process such as observations, data collection, etc. In other words, the research method is a process in which all the steps related to the research are used and tested, called the research technique. Specific differences about the research method and technique are given in the following table.
Table of  Research Methods and Techniques


1. What is Report?

A report is a document in particular form of writing that provides information in systematized about briefly ascertaining and investigative matters, actions and findings. It is a transparent and understandable record of facts unfolding to a particular subject and performs the resolution of delivering evidence for conclusion and trail actions. It is a logical presentations of discovered facts about an identifiable subject. Similarly, Report is a synopsis of findings and recommendations about a precise subject matter and identified problems regarding the subject.

The word “Report” is derived from Latin “Reportare” that means carry back. Therefore, the report describes the prediction of a theme or event, which may not have information about current situation. The report is a formal edition presented in written form for a specific purpose. It contains a detailed description of the data collection and analysis, their complete key findings and the necessary suggestions.

2. What are the types of Report?

In fact, there are various types of report according to the accomplished research and natures of research. However, the report can be generalized and categorized in basic three types of report.

2.1. Preliminary Report
A report prepared by presenting compiled data for research is called a Preliminary Report. It is also known as an Inception Report.

2.2. General Report
A general report is a form of briefly explaining the conclusions drawn after the research is completed.

2.3. Technical Report
A Technical report provides high priority to the research or survey methodology, presentations, limitations and results obtained.

3. How to write a Report?

Writing a report is an extremely important task for a researcher. Any kind of research work is done for a specific purpose and it can be concluded after writing a report following with certain process of research by applying appropriate methods and techniques of research.

The main purpose of the research report writing work is to provide fact-finding details so that readers are well informed about the nature and content of the event. The report contains the investments made by the researcher, especially the tasks such as data collection, presentation, analysis and conclusion along with used direct and indirect resources during research period. Interpretation is given more importance in research because the bulk of the data itself does not produce any results and must be explained by interpretation. There is no universal theory of how to interpret, but interpretation must be made by means of factual description and necessary to be concluded. Thus, a brief summary of the interpretation along with conclusion found out through the research is a Report.

4. What is a procedure of Writing Report?
The report must contain simple, clearer and concise of comprehensive plan as well as expression of the inference. Also, the report should have comparatively the use of analysis and presentation of related contents. Similarly, for writing a good report there should follow a certain procedure as given below.

Flow Chart of Report Writing Procedure

5. How to set up the Research Report?

Generally, the Research Report is set up as follows. But there is no rule that every research report should be in similar format, according to which researchers or research organizations may have their own outline for writing the research report.

Table of Report Writing Format
There are many universal styles or formats for setting up the layout of research paper developed by the recognized researchers and research organizations. Such as APA style, MLA style, Turabian style, Chicago style, Harvard style, GB7714 style, GOST style, IEEE style, ISO style etc., which could be use as nature of research sectors as well as guided by the research bodies.

Works Cited 

Gray, David E. Doing Research in the Real World. London: Sage Publications , 2004.
Hornby, A.S., ed. The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Oxford, 1974. 
Hult, Christine A. Researching and Writing Across the Curriculum. 2nd. New York: Longman, 2001. Kothari, C.R. Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. Second Revised Edition. New Delhi: New Age International Publishers, 2004.
Leavy, Sharlene Nagy Hesse-Biber & Patricia. The Practice of Qualitative Research. London: Sage Publications, 2006.
Riordan, Daniel G. Technical Report Writing Today. Tenth Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014.
Snow, Michael Netzley & Craig. Guide to Report Writing. Pearson, 2001.

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